Source code for pyxpcm.tutorial

# -*coding: UTF-8 -*-

    Useful for documentation and to play with pyXpcm

    Data files should be hosted on another repo


import os
# from os.path import dirname, join
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

import hashlib
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

_default_cache_dir = os.sep.join(("~", ".pyxpcm_tutorial_data"))

[docs]def open_dataset(name): """ Open a dataset from the pyXpcm online data repository (requires internet). If a local copy is found then always use that to avoid network traffic. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the dataset to load among: - `dummy` (depth,sample) dummy array - `argo` (depth,sample) real Argo data sample - `isas_snapshot` (depth,latitude,longitude) real gridded product - `isas_series` (depth,latitude,longitude,time) real gridded product time series Returns ------- :class:`xarray.Dataset` """ if name == 'argo': acc = argo_loader(what='sample') elif name == 'isas_snapshot': acc = isas_loader(what='sample_snapshot') elif name == 'isas_series': acc = isas_loader(what='sample_series') elif name == 'dummy': acc = dummy() elif name == 'orsi': acc = orsi() else: raise ValueError("Don't know this tutorial dataset") return acc
class dummy(): def load(self, Np=1000, Nz=50): z = np.linspace(0, -500, Nz) ds = xr.Dataset({ 'TEMP': xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(Np, Nz), dims=['n_prof', 'depth'], coords={'depth': z}), 'PSAL': xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(Np, Nz), dims=['n_prof', 'depth'], coords={'depth': z}) }) ds['depth'].attrs['axis'] = 'Z' ds['depth'].attrs['units'] = 'meters' ds['depth'].attrs['positive'] = 'up' ds['TEMP'].attrs['feature_name'] = 'temperature' ds['PSAL'].attrs['feature_name'] = 'salinity' ds.attrs['comment'] = "Dummy fields with random values" return ds class argo_loader(): def __init__(self, what='sample'): categories = ['sample'] if what not in categories: raise ValueError("I can't load a '%s' of Argo data" % what) else: self.category = what pass def load(self): """Load and return a sample of Argo profiles on standard depth levels""" if self.category == 'sample': ncfile = 'argo_sample' ds = _open_dataset(ncfile) #todo I need to add these attributes directly into the netcdf file ds['DEPTH'].attrs['axis'] = 'Z' ds['DEPTH'].attrs['units'] = 'meters' ds['DEPTH'].attrs['positive'] = 'up' ds.attrs = dict() ds.attrs['Sample test prepared by'] = "G. Maze" ds.attrs['Institution'] = "Ifremer/LOPS" ds.attrs['Data source DOI'] = "10.17882/42182" return ds class isas_loader(): def __init__(self, what='sample_snapshot', version='15'): self.version = version categories = ['sample_snapshot','sample_series'] if what not in categories: raise ValueError("I can't load a '%s' of ISAS data" % what) else: self.category = what pass def load(self): """Load and return a sample of ISAS profiles on standard depth levels""" if self.category == 'sample_snapshot': ncfile = 'isas15_sample' ds = _open_dataset(ncfile) #todo I need to add these attributes directly into the netcdf file ds['depth'] = -np.abs(ds['depth']) ds['depth'].attrs['axis'] = 'Z' ds['depth'].attrs['units'] = 'meters' ds['depth'].attrs['positive'] = 'up' ds['SST'] = ds['TEMP'].isel(depth=0) ds = ds.chunk({'latitude': None, 'longitude': None}) elif self.category == 'sample_series': ncfile = 'isas15series_sample' ds = _open_dataset(ncfile) #todo I need to add these attributes directly into the netcdf file ds['depth'] = -np.abs(ds['depth']) ds['depth'].attrs['axis'] = 'Z' ds['depth'].attrs['units'] = 'meters' ds['depth'].attrs['positive'] = 'up' ds['SST'] = ds['TEMP'].isel(depth=0) ds = ds.chunk({'latitude': None, 'longitude': None, 'time': None}) return ds class orsi(): def load(self): """Load path of ORSI fronts""" ncfile = 'ORSIfronts' ds = _open_dataset(ncfile) return ds ####### # This is heavily borrowed/copied from def file_md5_checksum(fname): hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(fname, "rb") as f: hash_md5.update( return hash_md5.hexdigest() # idea borrowed from Seaborn def _open_dataset( name, cache=True, cache_dir=_default_cache_dir, github_url="", branch="master", **kws, ): """ Open a dataset from the pyXpcm online data repository (requires internet). If a local copy is found then always use that to avoid network traffic. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the netcdf file containing the dataset ie. 'argo_sample' cache_dir : string, optional The directory in which to search for and write cached data. cache : boolean, optional If True, then cache data locally for use on subsequent calls github_url : string Github repository where the data is stored branch : string The git branch to download from kws : dict, optional Passed to xarray.open_dataset Returns ------- :class:`xarray.Dataset` """ longdir = os.path.expanduser(cache_dir) fullname = name + ".nc" localfile = os.sep.join((longdir, fullname)) md5name = name + ".md5" md5file = os.sep.join((longdir, md5name)) if not os.path.exists(localfile): # This will always leave this directory on disk. # May want to add an option to remove it. if not os.path.isdir(longdir): os.mkdir(longdir) url = "/".join((github_url, "raw", branch, fullname)) urlretrieve(url, localfile) url = "/".join((github_url, "raw", branch, md5name)) urlretrieve(url, md5file) localmd5 = file_md5_checksum(localfile) with open(md5file, "r") as f: remotemd5 = if localmd5 != remotemd5: os.remove(localfile) msg = """ MD5 checksum does not match, try downloading dataset again. """ raise OSError(msg) ds = xr.open_dataset(localfile, **kws) if not cache: ds = ds.load() os.remove(localfile) return ds